익투스 장학생으로 올해부터 후원을 받는 학생 중에 Magaly로부터 감사 편지가 도착했습니다.
My sincerely greetings to you all:
First of all I want to give you thanks for the big privilege of being part of your plans and prayers.
It is for me a blessing to have you as a support in my life. Being part of exa Ichthus makes me feel special and loved; it makes me be a better person every day. Through all of you I got God’s love and it makes me stronger in mind, heart and life.
I proudly can say that I am blessed for having all of you in my life.
It is a pleasure to count with you and your love.
Now I am studying in Mexico city a place where I never thought I was going to live, this amazing dream is becoming a reality due to you support and to all your help . I am very grateful with every single person in AIM church for believing in me, in my dreams and for making it possible. You are a blessing in my life.
One of my biggest dreams is to foment a better education in all the country but starting in my state which is one of the last on the education ranking in the country.
Since I went to missions while I was at Ichthus I developed a deep love for children, I saw big illusions into their eyes, just like I had when I was young. I believe in them as you believe in me.
I bless each member of this amazing church for helping me to go on through this way.
I feel blessed to have God and all of you with me.
May God bless you in all ways.
Magaly Adilene Gonzalez